Erechórebese Language

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The Erechórebese Language is descended from Classical Yophenthean and is spoken in the isle of Erechóreb and Erethrob. The language by virtue of common origin bears similarities to Asbardian, Nymenthonese, Corundian, Ambrasian, and the ancient Ambrinquan Language.

While Classical Yophenthean is the official language of the Arathracian Church, Erechórebese is often the language of the royal court in Rhafyx.

The modern Erechórebese Language has several dialects, including: Rhafycian, Erethrobese, Luhabhian, Shavadraig, Barrahune, Calithevian, Sveigath, Gombhadhag.


p f b v θ ð k ɡ x ɣ m n ɲ ŋ s z ʃ w j r l h ˠ ʲ
a ɪ ɛ ɔ ʊ ɑ i e o u

Origin of Erechórebese

This shows the phases in the development of Erechórebese as a language from ancient Gwenyan.

♦ PG
Paleo-Gwenyan [up to 6300 AS]
Ancient High Gwenyan [West Asdauria] [6300 to 4800]
♦ Don
Donavish [Erserce] [4800 to 3650]
♦ Early E-P
Ersercë-Pallathantic [Ersercë-East Pallathantic Sea] [3650 to 3100]
♦ PMo
Proto-Moigthe (Ersercë-Ambrulian) [Ambrulia, Agogia] [3100 to 1900]

loanwords:Ambrulian Geddamin, Malesggite

♦ CoMo
Common Moigthe [southeast Pytharnia] [1900 to 1400]

loanwords: Neptultchi (Tuadbe), Pytharnian Geddamin, Ithradic, Ithatian

♦ Rhnv
West Moigthe “Rhaunvish” [southwest Pytharnia] [1400 to 250 AS]

loanwords: Early Midretassene, Kalaman by means of Midretassene, Tuadbe

♦ ArYo
Archaic Yophenthean [Erechóreb] [250 AS to 300]

local loanwords: Dramute, Narshadic, Pallathantic, insular elven; Extra-Insular Loanwords: Xsyte, Ithatian, Later Rhaunvish

♦ CY
Classical Yophenthean [Erechóreb and Yophenthean Empire] [300 to 1200]

loanwords: Ithradic, Dewyddairsh

♦ CoEr
Common Erechórebese [1200 to 1600]

loanwords: Parkyon, Thracian

♦ MEr
Middle Erechórebese [1600 to 2000]

loanwords: Thracian

♦ Er
Erechórebese (Modern) [Erechóreb] [2000 to 2750]

loanwords: Medibgóëse, Gorcorumbese

See Also