Galdimesan Archguild School of Aurice

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Founded in 2657 with the blessings of several Aurician Senators, the Galdimesan Archguild School of Aurice provides instruction in the liberal arts, history, the core sciences, and introductory courses to skycraft engineering and titancraft engineering. The museum is called 'Galdimesan' in honor of the first Lord Governor-General of Aurice, Amasgus Galdimese. Although lacking a dedicated library of any size, the Archguild School is home to the Galdimesan Archguild Museum which exhibits a broad historic spectrum of artifacts from the city and Goscundy, including the Guth Perncha Treasure and the Teltagurn Fresco.

The Galdimesan Archguild School and Museum rest on the southeastern periphery of the city proper

See Also