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The Gamashakrahu [<Vimalian Gama "Destiny" + Shakrahu "tablets"] are the 'Tablets of Destiny' which according to Kalaman legend were created by the arch-titan, Arutkaupshaz (cf. Aarothkopshaz). The Gamashakrahu had the power to change reality—possessing vast magical powers. The gods fought over them. The god Atur obtained them and had them held safe in the Adamantine Mountains, under the guard of a great lynx. Unfortunately, the demi-god, Razug, found them and took them for himself. After another conflict involving gods and mortals, the tablets were fed to Bhalasa, the beastly child of the underworld god Hesukh. However, legend says that fragments of the tablets that Bhalasa did not swallow fell to the earth. In later tales, some of these fragments were found and the consequences to mortals described. One being to find the largest fragment was the Manshu, the god of magic, who used it to create powerful spells.

The account of the Kalaman Tablets of Destiny is recounted in the Shakrahkumi or Tale of the Tablets.

In some theories of magic, the spiritual presence of the Gamashakrahu accounts for the metaphysical system of magic as established by the arch-titans.

See Also