Great Cataracts of Liluthio

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The Great Cataracts of Liluthio are possibly the greatest natural cataracts in the world and one of the most famous tourist sites in Great Valley of Lord Vimal. The falls are divided into two series, the upper and lower and constitute the only natural drainage from Lake Vimala into the sea. The cataracts or falls drain the lake on the northern coast of Corundy, from an elevation of 7.89 DF (1271 meters), falling a distance of 2.597 DF (418 meters) first into Lake Amalcumir the surface of which is at 5.3 DF (853 meters) above sea level. From Lake Amalcumir, the waters then fall the remaining distance into the Corundian Sea.

The regional situation of the two series of cataracts on the north of Lake Vimala in Vimalia. Scale shown in statute miles.

The falls were diked with colossal stone in the so-called titanic past and subsequently restored with cyclopean stone in the second millennium before Salmakhamer. The falls are famously visible from greater Johaulia.

See Also