Guth Perncha Treasure

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The Guth Perncha Treasure was found 2642 Rhiomel 7 in Tiri, Ustaff Island, Aurician Metropolis, by engineers of the Republican Grand Navy of Aurice. It was dug up on the property of the Guth Perncha manor and so obtained this name. The burial of the treasure is dated to the mid to late twenty third century. The trove is comprised of thirty two fine bladewringing swords, one hundred and three votive daggers, and various instruments of chaos worship, including two giant candelabra, summoning vessels, over two hundred silver and gold figurines depicting the likenesses of chaos divinities, throes, and cultists, and various silver dining vessels and instruments. Some of the finest items include figurines of the god Lygdamion, Prince Ulcanov, and one called Ulcanov's Bed, a miniature silver bed covered with small chests and vases, thought to represent the bizarre sleeping practices of the Dark Prince. The treasure is kept on display in the Galdimesan Archguild Museum of Aurice and is guarded continuously by at least one Shenimite Psychic Warrior as the blades have been certified imbued with the signature of chaos magic.

Some of the hiltless haft-cum-blade of the swords carry the inscription "For the King of Aurice in his Sublime Ecstasy."

See Also