Inlet of Llachom

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The Inlet of Llachom opens up to the Glirt Strait.

The Inlet of Llachom is a large harbor in southern Gonfaloy. It leads into the Glirt Strait and provides sea access for the city of Ddwbha, the capital of Medibgóëse Gonfaloy. Its waters are rarely turbulent except during violent storms. The two largest islands in the inlet are Ulla Island and Strosfé Island, the latter of which divides the mouth of the inlet. The fishing resources of the inlet are shared between Gliri and Medibgóëse Gonfaloy. The next largest port city of the Inlet of Llachom after Ddwbha is Mabdinois. Like most of the rest of southern, coastal Pytharnia, the Inlet of Llachom and its coasts enjoy a temperate to marine climate.

See Also