Jagohrish Language

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The extent of Jagohrish in modern times. The teal circle indicates the extent of Medibgóëse spoken in the skynesses.

The Jagohrish Language is a Thwarrish-Jaggudornish Language spoken in eastern Pytharnia on the ascent and foothills that rise to the southern Jaggudorn Mountains. It was brought to the land of Jagohr in the second half of first millennium before Salmakhamer by gontha herders from the High Shadevan Valley migrating through Transalpine Agogia. The Jagohrish language has numerous borrowings from Eastern Moigthe, Jaggudornish Ithradic, Neptultchi, Medibgóëse, and subsequent borrowings from Thracian during the time of Kalikán imperialism. Of major modern languages, Jagohrish is most closely related to Agogian.

See Also