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Jathya-Dhumi is the ancient, pre-Gwenyan people, culture, and language of Corundy. The Vimalian and Rhionian cultures are the modern-day inheritors of this ancient civilization. Jathya-Dhumi culture and language are not Gwenyan and are thought to be the successors to Drameggin Civilization. The term Jathya-Dhumi is preferred by scholars and especially native scholars to the term Kalama. Jathya-Dhumi is one of the Great Flood Survivor Cultures. The Jaithan Language and the Shardanian Language are descended from the Jathya-Dhumi Language. Jathya-Dhumi (Kalaman Language) is considered one of the great classical languages and has a great body of literature, including the Aturyandakumi.

See Also