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The objute is a kind of galimshara that is used in Danona as a beast of burden. The Khahonri word, [obju’ath pl obujtha], is thought to have originated from Ithradic, obd-ihrimûk. An adult objute measures about four to five meters long. They are four-legged, unlike the gibgibsew, sluggish, hardy, very sure-footed, and eat almost exclusively meat. They are thought to have been bred no later than the fifth or fourth millennium before Salmakhamer in eastern Danona, perhaps Thyria from the obd-ihrimûk of Pytharnia. Like other galimshara, objutes require special training to handle safely and the use of demotic magic. They do not require as nearly powerful control from the master as do the gibgibsews.

See Also