Old Colnorian Language

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Old Colnorian, sometimes called Ancient Colnorian (ACol), ca 525 AS to 400 AI -- predecessor of Kiallish, Jasturian, Kasthavian, Medibgösk, Dewyddairsh, Old Colnorian is a Gwenyan language that is thought to have been influenced by the High Shadevan Language and possibly by the High Moigthe Language.

Linguistically, the Colnorian Languages are more closely related to the Moigthe Languages than to the Jaggudornish. They were classified as Thwarrish, but now are classified as Donavish.


p, ff b, b/v/f r, rh l, ll s, sh t, th d, dd k, ch g, gh h



ngio, nio I
ganffa we
lle you singular
ffev you plural

See Also