Sea of Memnosia

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About 14,000 years ago before the Flood of Aturyanda, the level of the Ancient Sea of Memnosia was higher than sea level and smaller in extant.
Both ancient and modern shorelines shown for comparison

Before the Flood of Aturyanda, magdeologers' believe that the Memnosian Sea was entirely land-locked (endorheic) and fed by several seas, including the antediluvian Leh-Shelekhumbis River and the Thybdis River. The land-locked body of water is called the Sea of Memnosia to distinguish it from the modern sea which is today part of the greater ocean and has access to the Pallathantic Sea and the Strait of Ummak. The Sea of Memnosia rested at the heart of the Drameggin Civilization.

Over 12,000 AS or nearly 15,000 years ago, the Ancient Sea of Memnosia was self-enclosed as earth changes associated with the Flood of Aturyanda had not yet caused it to overflow its northern bounds and connect with the Pallathantic Sea. These changes which caused sea level to rise worldwide reduced the size of what later became the islands of Narshad and Barse-Barra. Kalaman legend tells that the shores of the Ancient Sea of Memnosia were the homeland of the Jathya-Dhumi people who were part of the Drameggin Civilization. The Flood of Aturyanda and associated cataclysms caused the barely inland see to communicate freely with the Pallathantic Sea and the Strait of Ummak.

Earth changes caused the higher sea level of the Sea of Memnosia to plummet even as the sea level of the surrounding oceans rose. The spilling of these waters into the Pallathantic Sea and out the Strait of Ummak brought the sea level down. Earth changes ensured that coastal areas were transformed and some cities descended into the sinking earth.

Some scholars believe that the higher sea level of the Sea of Memnosia was formed by geo-engineering.

Submerged Cities

Legends report that the Great Flood swallowed many mythical cities off the former coast of the once smaller Memnosian Sea. Only merfolk and powerful wizards in times past had any chance of visiting these inhospitable places. Today there are rumors that rich adventurers wish to use titancraft submarines to explore these lost places that have not seen light for over seven thousand years.

See Also