Sea of Narshad

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The Sea of Narshad rests in the western Memnosian Sea and is named for the great island of Narshad.

The Sea of Narshad is celebrated for the Narsadese merchants who have plied its waters since ancient times. The Sea of Narshad hugs the coasts of Khesheph, Jerushabla, Zoham, western Orthont, and all the coasts of the islands of Narshad and Barse-Barra. The waters of the sea are moderate in temperature throughout the year. The Sea of Narshad has access to the eastern Memnosian Sea, to the Pallathantic Sea by way of the Strait of Embol and the Sea of Flooded Thrones, and access to the Sea of Malankhas by way of the Strait of Ummak. Today, there is some measure of guarded tension between Narshad and Overlordship of Gorcorumb as both are naval powers in the Sea of Narshad.

See Also