Shadrimporee Archipelago

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The Shadrimporee Archipelago rests in the southeastern end of the Great Draconian Ocean.

The Shadrimporee Archipelago is a tropical and semi-tropical body of islands in the southeastern portion of the Great Draconian Ocean, resting in the southern hemisphere of the old world. The archipelago consists of four large islands and dozens of smaller islands. The Shadrimporee Archipelago is famous as the source of kawchi tea which attained wide popularity as a beverage of choice during the twenty sixth century when the islands were subject to the New Kalikán Empire. After the Great Sky War, the emerging great powers of the Pallathantic Region, Asbardy, Magdala, and Aurice did not pursue the enforcement of the Treaty of Tauhad (2576) with regard to the islands and they became de facto independent from Thrace with some regions falling into anarchy.

Merchants have organized several port cities to enable trade of the highly lucrative kawchi which is produced in numerous farms across the islands under near slave-like conditions for the workers.

See Also