Strait of Firche

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The Strait of Firche lies at the confluence of the Guspan Bay and the Bay of Elmundel, leading into the Pytharnian Sea.

The Strait of Firche lies off the southeast coast of Barathorn. It is named for the land of Firche in eastern Barathorn. It divides into two channels, the Guspan Bay that holds the port city of Drackmarrow and the Bay of Elmundel that leads to the great Free City of Elmundel. The mouth of the strait leads southeast into the Pytharnian Sea and also leads to the south into the Strait of Andredi, southeast of Glaye. The Strait of Firche is the most voyaged seaway around the continent of Barathorn as it is necessary for sea traffic bound for Elmundel or for Dewyddair to pass through its waters.

See Also