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The region of Thabda-Rhathor rests south of the Thybdis River.

Thabda-Rhathor means roughly the land of Rhathor by the Thybdis River. The region is entirely south of the Thybdis River and a nomadic steppe. It is sometimes considered part of the Eloarian Steppes. The Thybdis River is very navigable at this point in its flow and provides access to the Bay of Shelekhumbia and the Memnosian Sea. The climate of Thabda-Rhathor has moderate summers and cool winters. It receives moderate rains in winter. Historically, Thabda-Rhathor has been subject to invasions and expeditions of the Adamantine Giants. Today, Thabda-Rhathor is part of the Aurician Empire and incorporated into the Aurician Over-Provinces of Rhovania and Axophotia. The name, Axophotia, derives from Agasaphut, the name of a kingdom that rested in ancient times along the Thybdis River. Some of the best cavalry auxiliaries in the Aurician Grand Army come from Thabda-Rhathor.

See Also