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Under-Aurice is the common term among Auricians for any imputed system of tunnels and chambers under the city of Aurice. Rumors abound of vast caverns carved by ancient beasts, Incarnandists, chaos cultists, and criminal elements. The city authorities in the past century have worked diligently to have all the entrances to Under-Aurice filled in to prevent any clandestine activities that could be subversive to the state. Despite this, there are two officially sanctioned systems below Aurice. The first is beneath the Lord-Governor's Palace which is an engineering counter-flood system. The other is for research purposes beneath the Magitechnic Institute of Aurice. All others are either unknown or have been stopped up.

As Aurice is a flotilla of islands in a shallow lagoon, any chambers of air underneath the floor of the lagoon are vulnerable to flooding. Through the centuries clever engineers and cunning wizards employed methods of ensuring that the chambers are water-tight. One such method uses the glutta. A modern method uses the titancraft device called an echydra.

See Also