World Soul

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arcanophilosophers debate the existence and the nature of the World Soul. Midjourney.

The World Soul is a core principle of Metamagics and at the heart of most magical world views. The World Soul is the spiritual consciousness of the cosmos. In modern times, the concept of the world soul as being the consciousness of the world of Asdar has gained ascendancy among mage philosophers and institutions.

"The World Soul is a great conscious substrate in which the component consciousnesses of all entities, living creatures, and manifestations of the world are fixed. Magical powers manifest by interactions with the World Soul at the deepest level in accordance with the various layered modes of creation. These modes can be understood and are used to practice the art of magic and other esoteric arts."

"The manipulation of spell matrices operative in the World Soul is at the heart of the academic practice of wizardry. The pedigree of the art reaches into great antiquity."

See Also