Andrickar Valley

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The Andrickar Valley rests in the eastern Jaggudorn Mountains and drains into the Pallathantic Sea.

The Andrickar Valley is a great valley in the eastern Jaggudorn Mountains which touches the northern shore of the Bay of Sealgo. It is so named for the Andrickar River which drains directly into the Pallathantic Sea and is not part of the Shadevan River System. The climate is not as cold as that of the High Shadevan Valley which is locked off from the Pallathantic Region by the Jaggudorns. The Andrickar Valley has a gradually but fairly broad range of elevation, from sea level in the south to the high alpine elevation of the foothills of the Jaggudorns. The Helasundi Mountains form the western boundary of the valley.

Most of the land of the Andrickar Valley is part of the Principality of Hamalan the capital of which is Seiorphia in the foothills of the western mountains of the valley. The valley has been dominated by skyfaring peoples for over two thousand years.

See Also