Arathracian Places of Worship

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The Arathracian religion involves numerous ceremonies, rites, and sacraments that are conducted in various places of worship.

Arch Basilical Temple

An arch temple is the seat of a ruling archpatriarch. Nearly all Arathracian sacraments can be performed at an arch temple, except for those involved with elevating a Sunfather, an Archeliopolitan, or a Heliopolitan.


A temple is the seat of a priest templary.


A shrine is an Arathracian place of worship that enables devotees to offer sacrifices and receive blessings from the templary. It lacks the baptistery for the lustral ceremonies.

Frequent Names of Temples and Places of Worship

Deity and Saints

Arathrax, Aireánnau, Arathracius, Arathracianus


Heliopolitanite, Greater, Lesser, Progenitor, Progenetrix, Savior, Preserver, Deliverer, Ancestor

Great Temple of Arathrax Progenitor
Temple of Saint Aireánnau the Greater
Temple of Lord Arathrax Heliopolitanite
Temple of Saint Arathracius Ancestor
Temple of Saint Arathracianus Preserver

See Also