Ariglas dhal Cethaig

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Asbardian explorer of Barathorn, northeastern Asdauria (Khambakhand), and new world, late 2500’s, early 2600’s

Explorer Ariglas dhal Cethaig

Ariglas dhal Cethaig explored and subsequently lived in the Great Forest of Khambakhand for nearly five years on two explorations, one in the very late twenty sixth century (ca 2597 to 2599) and a second in the very early twenty seventh century (ca 2603 to 2606). He relied on skycraft to bring him and his team to edge of the forest and then explored the woodland area on foot. His team dealt with trolls, ogres, and indigenous humans. Geddamin Giants and other creatures were spotted. His records provide what is considered the first documented knowledge regarded as trustworthy about the Great Forest of Khambakhand.

See Also