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Erethrob Island lies in the Golden Sea and was known since at least the emigration of the Goldenlings from Pytharnia.

Erethrob Island is an island in the Golden Sea between southern Pytharnia and Erechóreb. The island is about 191 ddwmir (125 kilometers or 77.6 miles) long. It is known from Yophenthean legend as the island on which the Goldenlings sojourned on their voyage in exile from the Durrhaunve Valley to Erechóreb. The island is separated from Erechóreb by the Erethrobese Channel. The climate of Erethrob is very similar to that of northeastern Erechóreb with long rains in the winter and spring and marine temperatures. The two largest cities are Chmias and Esthémë. Erethrob has a long chain of gentle mountains which are still partially forested. The island is largely agricultural with some minor manufacturing in the coastal towns. The small island of Tihuth Chaye rests at the northwest tip of Erethrob.

See Also