Gourd of Summons

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The Gourd of Summons is attested by several sources, yet nothing of it remains from the rule of the Dark Prince. Midjourney v6.

The enchanted, crawling palace of Prince Ulcanov of the Shattered Waters, the Gourd of Summons was destroyed by a whim of the prince.

The Gourd of Summons as Prince Ulcanov styled it was the beetling, monstrous palace in which he resided. Legend says that the palace devoured some of the islands of Aurice and created new rivens, although this is now considered apocryphal by most scholars. The Gourd of Summons moved slowly but steadily and could cover both land and water and on some occasions flew under Prince Ulcanov's influence. The gourd's architecture was alien, beautiful, and thoroughly enchanted. The faces of the palace bore the likenesses of the victims and favorites of Prince Ulcanov, animate and posing, as if trapped in glass.

Legend relates that the wicked henchmen of Prince Ulcanov moved in advance of the route of the Gourd of Summons, drenching the ground or the waters of the sea with the blood of children which was consumed by the passing of the vessel. Saint Iphimba's Day in Aurice is a day of mourning for victims of Prince Ulcanov and memorializes these innocent victims.

The Teltagurn Fresco, now in the Galdimesan Archguild Museum of Aurice, depicts Prince Ulcanov and some courtiers inside the Gourd of Summons and also the progress of the Gourd of Summons through the rivens of Aurice[1].


See Also