Horrible Ministrant

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A Horrible Ministrant is a hideous apparition of death that aids the necromancer who summoned it. Midjourney.

A horrible ministrant is a kind of incorporeal undead that is summoned by a necromancer to occupy and re-animate the recently deceased. By means of a horrible ministrant, the necromancy can animate the dead for his nefarious purposes. The necromancer becomes the means of enabling the horrible ministrant to animate the dead and it must in turn serve the needs of the necromancer. A horrible ministrant can alter its consciousness to create subministrants which may in turn animate additional dead bodies. This type of re-animation is thought to have been employed during the 'zombie plague' wars (2,400 AS to 2,100 AS) between the late Neptultchi God-Empire and Kalama. The art of this type of necromancy was preserved in varying forms in the subsequent empire of Midretasso and survives to this day, despite the efforts of the Arathracian Church and repeated legislation to eliminate all knowledge of its use.

See Also