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The Kalamantica is a cultural treatise written in the late sixth to early seventh century by the Midretassene scholar, Orkybanthinantis of Addinoro, in the Ithatian Language for the benefit of Ithatians living in the Yophenthean provinces of Midretasso. A revival of interest among Ithatians in the peninsula and in the islands in the ancient Kalamans sparked Orkybanthinantis to produce his work which became a success during his lifetime and essential reading for anyone who wishes to study pre-Midrinksi Kalama.

The work was organized into fifteen books.


Book One

Origins of the Kalama, Aturyandakumi, briefly touches on the Flood of Aturyanda, role of Aturyanda.

Book Two

The account of Aturyanda as given in the Aturyandakumi and contrary accounts given from other sources, spurious and otherwise.

Book Three

The heirs and institutions of Aturyanda; Aturyanda's campaign to unite the survivor tribes of the surrounding lands

Book Four

List of the major cities of Vimalia and the ancient Kalaman names of other cities once part of the ancient Kalaman Empire.

Book Five
Book Six
Book Seven
Book Eight
Book Nine
Book Ten
Book Eleven
Book Twelve
Book Thirteen

The Midrinksi emigration and invasion of Kalama

Book Fourteen

Institutions adopted by the Midretassenes which survive today (7th century)

Book Fifteen

Remnants of Kalaman Civilization

See Also