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Kerspa-Kvé, also known as East Moigthe or Kerspa-Moighdhe, is an early dialect and language of ancient Common Moigthe (ca 1900 AS to 1400 AS). It is thought to have been spoken in eastern southern Pytharnia, especially the Pytharnian Highland, around 1400 AS to 100 AS. Kerspa-Kvé changed through three subsequent phases, Archaic Pytharnian, (100 AS to 650 AI), Classical Pytharnian (650 AI to 1250 AI), and Middle Pytharnian (1250 AI to 1850 AI), until the present-day language, Modern Pytharnian.

Late Kerspa-Kvé was the language of the mythical bard, Luvasirgwer.

See Also