Kythonian Gargoyle

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Named after the ancient Ithatian engineer of siegeworks, Kythonos of Sephri, a Kythonian Gargoyle today is a stylized, magically enchanted stone slit in wall to allow defenders to shoot arrows at a besieging army. The exterior is carved with highly stylized face and mouth of a monstrous creature, a lion, a musimon, or some other foreboding humanlike expression. The magic enables the slit to open or seal shut at the proper command word. The Kythonian Gargoyle was invented towards the middle of the 15th century (1400's).

The development of the Kythonian Gargoyle over the centuries saw magical constructs attached to castle defenses which launched arrows and larger projectiles without direct human control for the automated defense of a fortress during time of siege. Flaming strikes and other greater assaults were eventually added to the panoply until the full use of titancraft siege works brought Kythonian Gargoyles in modern defenses into obsolescence.

See Also