List of Midretassene Personal Names
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Midretassene custom and tradition provided for three to four names for an individual. Every freeborn person, whether patrician (aristocrat) or commoner (plebeian), received three names: Given Name, Tribal Name, and Gentilician (clan) Name. Each tribe was divided into several clans, so it was necessary to know which clan a person was born into.
For aristocratic families and some wealthy plebeian families with more than one branch or household, there was also a 'household' name that usually revealed what house or house location the particular family lived in.
Given Names
Male Names
- A
- Absenos, Absenios
- Addankos, Addankios 'blessed of Addan'
- Akunaios 'blessed of Akuna' (Daunau)
- Ambrokos, Ambrokios 'blessed of Amrulon'
- Andos, Andios '
- Aradaos, Aradaios 'dragon'
- Ardios, Ardeios 'blessed of Ard (Thwar)'
- Askalokos, Askalokios 'blessed of Askalos (Eshik)'
- Azaber, Azabrios
- B
- Badrusokos 'Blessed of the god Badrusos' minor god of warriors
- Baphalos
- Basphenor
- Birios
- Brembis
- Brigos < Brinos < Brios 'strong'
- Bs
- Bsakkos
- Bselos
- Bsubos, Bsubios 'firm, harsh, unyielding'
- D
- Dagdos: "Scale"
- Dagdoros: "scaly"
- Daskos
- Drubos
- E
- Erronios 'blessed of Errona'
- G
- Gadespos, Gadespa
- Gamenos, Gamena
- Geprais, Gepraios
- Gesprasos, Gesprasios
- Gnuma (masculine)
- Gremolos, Gremolios
- Gvaradros, Gvaradrios 'bearded'
- Gvoros 'short'
- H
- Hespizos < hespos + -izos: "Curly"
- I
- Ixorekos
- K
- Kephros
- Kralos
- K
- Kvalkos
- Kvimos
- KH
- Khaus, Khaunios
- L
- Loktis
- Luxos, Luxios 'herald, messenger'
- M
- Madros: from Madiros
- Madrog: from Madros + g cf. Madrokos
- Madrogios: from Madrog + ios
- Meligokos: <meleg + okos, propitiator of the night
- N
- Neptessor 'scribe, one who makes an inventory', Neptessorios
- Nerukhos, Nerukhios
- Nesbirikos, Nesbirikios 'blessed of Nesbiria'
- O
- Odiaukos 'proud'
- Orgokos, Orgokios 'devotee of Vergos'
- Orkubanthokos, Orkubanthokios 'devotee of Orclanx', thought to be a practitioner of necromancy
- Oziros 'left-handed'
- P
- Prakor, Prakorios, 'preserver, keeper'
- Ph
- Phogos, Phogios 'bull'
- R
- Rebsos, Repsios 'ugly'
- Rothomos
- Rh
- Rhathorkos 'blessed of Arathrax'
- Rhalokos, Rhalokios 'blessed of Rhaal (Rhio)'
- Rhaltheptis, propitiator of Rhio (Rhal)
- S
- Salmakhamer, Salmakhamerios
- Saruniskos 'grandson of the hunter'
- Sarús (gen Sarunos), 'hunter'
- Sedokos, Sedokios 'light, brilliant'
- Stragalos, Stragalios
- Strebos
- T
- Tibolos, Tibolios 'farmer' <tibos + -olos
- Togros, Togrios 'of the sea'
- U
- Uturnos (First Overlord of Midretasso), Uturnios
- Uturniskos 'grandson of Uturnos'
- V
- Vergokos, Vergokios 'blessed of Orclanx'
- Z
- Zados, Zadios
- Zalos, Zalios
- Zuros
- Possibly Remove
- Gridor
- Ibzilu
- Iloca
- Tado
Female Names
- A
- Abiaba
- Absena, Absenia
- Absia
- Acunaia 'blessed of Acuna (Daunau)'
- Aradá, Aradaia 'dragon'
- B
- Bdala, 'fated'
- BS
- Bsuba, Bsubia
- Bsubissa
- E
- Erronia 'blessed of Errona'
- G
- Gadespa
- I
- Ibsaba, Ibsabia
- K
- KH
- Khauna, Khaunia
- L
- Loktiana (<male name, Loktis)
- Luxa, Luxia
- M
- Marrika 'blessed of Marria'
- Mimnora
- Midretta (daughter of first overlord, subsequently deified); Midrettia
- N
- Nesbirika, Nesbirikia 'blessed of Nesbiria'
- Nexoba
- Nintheptika (infamously, the name of the Lesser Chaos Lord of Zamiria, avoided after her time)
- O
- Odira
- T
- Togissa 'of the sea'
- V
- Vedra
- Vekvella, Vekvelluna
- Z
- Zala, Zalia
Family Names
Clan or Gentilician Names
- A
- Aivemnos
- Aradaikios 'pertaining to the dragon'
- Asputianinos < Asputia + Ninos 'household god'
- B
- Baustos 'blond, tawny haired'
- Bellos 'deep'
- Belloklos 'deep-sounding, having a deep voice'
- Bepphasar, (Restored Over-King)
- Bizos 'red', 'red-haired'
- Blespes
- D
- Dvotos 'sleepy'
- G
- Gabbos 'cripple'
- Gargastinos, Gargastin 'unusual, bastard' General in war vs. Yophentheans.
- K
- Kaladimos
- Konomos
- Kvembos 'fat, stout'
- L
- laglos 'curly,' 'curly-haired'
- M
- Mazerpios (General in the Battle of Curchása)
- Mixputianinos < Mixputia + Ninos 'Household god'
- P
- Pakos 'bald'
- R
- T
- Tassikos 'of the covenant'
- Tvasos 'thin, skinny'
- U
- Ugos 'tall,' 'long-legged'
- Uskos 'illegitimate, spurious, bastard'
- V
- Vasorios 'gold, golden'
- Vekveios 'burning like fire'
- Z
- Zeilos
Name Generation
- -skos, (later, -ska for feminine): grandson of
See Also
This article is a stub. It requires further development by the creator. |