Medibgóëse Language
Thought to be descended from the Jaggudorn Languages of the Sky People, probably old Colnorian, and eastern Pytharnian languages of the Moigthe. Medibgóëse remains an important international language since the Isbajutha, especially for diplomats, aristocrats, and academia. It is also closely related to the Kasthavian Language and the Gonfalese Language. It is more distantly related to Dewyddairsh Language and to the Pytharnian Language.
Scholars who study the Medibgóëse Language have divided it into five period over its extent of about three thousand years:
OJGw Old Jaggudornish Gwenyan (1150 AS to 650 AI) --> LJGw Late Jaggudornish (650 AS to 150 AS) --> ACol Ancient Colnorian (525 AS to 500 AI) --> ETig Early Tigskönish (300 AS to 200 AI) -->
- PMedProto-Medibgösk (200 AS to 300 AI)
- EMed Early Medibgösk (300 AI to 600 AI)
- AMed Arathracian Medibgösk (600 to 1200)
- MMed Middle Medibgösk (1200 to 1800)
- ModMed Modern Medibgóëse (1800 to present day)
Modern Medibgóëse may be divided into two divisions, based upon the rule of the Medibgösk Smallfalgo dynasty that started a trend to uniformity among the ruling aristocrats which was disrupted by the Middle Ages of Chaos, followed by a second period where uniformity was once again practiced in the restored empire. Medibgö is famous for its multitude of quirky dialects, especially among the household staffs who do not have frequent direct contact with their lords. These 'micro-dialects' can vary from skyness to skyness and even from household to household.
- päffuti p p
- bäbba b b, v
- chal ch x
- ffarfa ff f
- efi f f
- una w w
- üth th þ
- ddab dd ð
- ? d d
- llawg ll ç
- lalu l l
- rhothi r r
- rewn r r
- kanka k k
- sewssa s s
- ? t t
Personal Pronouns
|!Person|!Singular|!Dual|!Plural| |!1st Intimate|akka||meihu| |!1st Aggrandizing|akmaddu|-|meihmaddu| |!2nd Informal|thsa||teidd| |!2nd Formal|seye||se teidd|
Demonstrative Pronouns
|!Case|!Masculine Singular|!Feminine Singular|!Masculine Plural|!Feminine Plural| |!Nom|||| |!Gen|||| |!Dat|||| |!Acc||||
Meidbgö: National Name Mämnir, skyness of Medibgö Mäddglows: “Mediclose,” Imperial jaibu capital of Medibgö
llanffari Feffari
b ff b, v w m
th dd
t d s
ll, i, vowel with acute accent
c, k, g ch (gh) h
gh < -- > y
Consonant Blends
sv br bw dv dw gn gw -db = dhv kn kw sl sm sn tw ths
ö ü ä
ai aw ew ei ow
Svawdd Meidbgö /mɛɪðvɡœː/
Gvaínkewb /ˈɡvaːɲkɛʊv/ Ewb /ɛʊv/ Díb /dʲɪːv/
Phonology Brainstorm
thsatna: stringed instrument
Tigbö Medibgö: Meidbgö Arewlein Mämnir Tüdd Sudbödda Maddawnew Brö Bwotska büskaa llawkoch Brökn Sväbdük Thä Skvät
dd: dh ll: compare Welsh ch: kh b: b or v (usually when not first in word) bb: b v: v or w w: w or u th: th ths:
sv br bw dv dw gv gw -db = dhv kw tw mv mn
Not permissible
st at beginning of word (not sure I want to keep this)
ö ü ä
Diphthongs ai aw ew ei äw
accent mark means previous consonant is palatalized í = palatalization, or ‘y’ sound for following consonant
[Symbol safe keeping: Þþÿýð]
Meidbgö [meiðvgø]: Medibgö, national name Amgádda [amgjaða]: proper name Aínb Äknasso Amgádda Arí Büskna Ddaínba Gösge Graín Hadmurn (Royal) Hamgöskba Kéwb Kwändb Kwambö Llirethgilla Ludb Maddawnew Müddge Nasgöb Néwb Paigur Salb Söm Svägb Talban (Royal) Tigbö (Royal)
Arewleín (Royal) Asínóbdde Bírddahab Bwänb Ddainís Dvaínbís Köín Míro Níaín Séwba Pawaín Sídb [Sheedhv] Síagüb
WORD Brainstorm
Meidbgö [meidhvgoe]
Gvaínkewb [gvany-keh oov] Ewb [eh-oov] Díb [jeev]
Mvags [mvaks]
Svödda kír tír spähucha spä Äw Müdd Thüddanb Ördd Trewba Hórgo Gvetkö Täthmüdd Äwchomn
Tökgussa Gassa Kwath Parrachag kwassiogona kwaddmarun Thämn Pewlla Bewlla hegsarin bórre uska Llédh Pindgö Wüín Thibn Thorddanta thorddanta Gaiddchoba aiddmál Göchew kwäa näa skläa machaínna kägarre Säwgoskabn Thsew thsa Thsälliaskerrís díba díths Apona Ddäap thrithsonaw newssa hár skerra sperra smerra snáthígo thígo sígo tígo amgöt Addab addab addaib kiago kirriago kökä päppsötta sakob sákob sákom bläwub Amgaddírre Thsul gask task nask hosk hösk thek theg thseg machs rachs raihuchs nachsa
Gnäw = Count, Gnäwddorn = Count’s hereditary son; Brökn calls his eldest “Gnäwddorn Kähaa” which means more or less ‘Rightful Firstborn.’
Dialects of Medibgö
Medibgóëse society is rather class-based, even more so than the rest of Pytharnia. One is either a member of an aristocratic household or one is the servant of such a household. The ruling class endeavors to speak their own dialect of Medibgóëse which is considered the proper form. The servants speak a lower version and this varies from orbit to orbit in Medibgö.
- Kaspaíniü's Grammar of High Medibgóëse, 2562, Llowcha 'mba Aínb Kaspaíniü, Medibgóëse Language
- Medibgóëse Language (Book), The
See Also
- Gonfalese Language
- International Languages
- List of Medibgóëse Personal Names
- Medibgö
- Medibgösk Gods and Religion
- Medibgóëse Language: Lexicon
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