Processions of the Arathracian Religion

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Since ancient times, Arathracians have honored the gods of the sun with solemn processions of the high priests, priests, and honorees, leading up to the local temple.

Processions can be classified as either the Grand Procession or the Petty Procession. Grand Processions are characterized by solemn procession of the local patriarch and clergy from town square to the Temple of Arathrax. Bearers in the procession carry a palanquin holding the image of the god Arathrax and images of other divinities and saints.

Grand Processions

Petty Processions

  • Birthday of living Sunfather
  • Major Saint's Day, other than Aireánnau and her eight sons
  • New Sunmoon (at midnight with many lanterns and golden candles lit). Usually about five of these per year
  • Sollevation of local patriarch
  • Annunciation of Aireánnau
  • Deliverance of Aireánnau
  • Ascent of Aireánnau

See Also