Brasen Horde
The Brasen Horde is a confederation of nine major uhlaki tribes in central Asdauria under the rule of the Shakhumbla. The permanent residence of the Shakhumbla is in Aiak. The power of the Brasen Horde was greatest during the Middle Ages of Chaos, but has waned over the centuries. The Aurician Empire holds the confederation in check in the west and has enjoyed an uneasy peace with uhlaks for over fifty years. The advanced titancraft and dwarvenfire armaments of Aurice help ensure its control of western Asdauria. In addition to uhlaks, the Brasen Horde rules over northern Ebernia, Barzervia, and Achederia which are subject states. The Shakhumbla receives tribute from the woodland chieftains of the Vadsinkoinen Forest in central western Asdauria.

The nomadic tribes of the steppes are known for their ability to endure the hardships of the steppes, to move with great swiftness over vast distances, and to fall upon their enemies with devastating speed. The nomadic tribes employ bows and arrows and the light javelin with deadly accuracy. The major tribes of the uhlaki include the Kutts, the Jahmuts, the Kettomunes, the Magutes, the Onkhutes, the Ulaskees, the Emmeddeem, and the Amboyars. Only the Asklahri tribe remains defiant of the power of the Shakhumbla. In ancient times, the Jofundols of eastern Asdauria were subject to the Shakhumbla.
Dealings with Aurician Empire
Aurice with her advanced technology, a program of continual warfare in the twenty seventh century, and alliances with nomadic tribes of the western steppes who were eager for independence from the Shakhumbla, successfully campaigned against the Brasen Horde and brought its westernmost provinces into the orbit of the Aurician Empire. The human horse tribes of Rhovundy, Rhovania, and Axophotia, and the centaurs of Turgosia proved more willing to serve the Auricians rather than be subject to the uhlaki overlord, the Shakhumbla. Aurice subdued all of historice Erserce, forcing the Ebern uhlaks into the northernmost territory of Ebernia against the south shores of the Nudestel Sea and the Ebernion Sea. The use of titancraft vessels of sky to strafe and bombard uhlaki forces and dragonrail to provide materiel and troops swiftly to threatened areas enabled the civilization of the West to hold the Brasen Horde at bay.
Today, the tribes of the Brasen Horde have adopted dwarvenfire weapons and remain a great threat to Aurice and to Osfandia.
See Also
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