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Tauhad written in ancient Ithradic Dwarven Cuneiform

Tauhad /ˈtaʊhad/ is an ancient dwarven city and the capital of the Commonwealth of the Ithrads, a sovereign dwarven state in south central Pytharnia. The city name, 'Tauhad,' means 'The Lodes' in the Ithradic Dwarven Language, because it was rich in gold ore. It was established in 9687 AS by Kuhamite dwarves who had migrated from Midrardia to the mountains after the Flood of Aturyanda. Tauhad later became the mother city of Qaish'aa dwarven colonies in the southwestern Jaggudorns. The city became the capital of the dwarven dynasty that unified the dwarven tribes and clans of the Ithrads into a single kingdom. Although the gold ore is thought largely depleted, Tauhad today has several active ore processing firms that work the remaining less pure deposits in the mountains. Tauhad is an important industrial leader in manufacturing, titancraft development and production, and traditional dwarven metallurgy.

Tauhad is located almost entirely underground. The surface portion of Tauhad is called Upper Tauhad and provides access and support for the underground city. Tauhad proper is home to about 110,000 dwarven inhabitants.

Tauhad is divided into seventeen musqa' or districts.

List of Sites

Surface Entrances: There are eight surface entrances. Five are located relatively closely to each other. The three others are further out. The greatest entrance is Kings Gate.

There are great thoroughfares many stories high that link several ‘levels.’ The dwarves were and continue to be masters of structures carved directly into stone, including columns, arches, and other load-bearing features.

Ancient Throne Room
Ancient Treasure Room, now a holy museum of ancient artifacts
Great Hall of Heroes
Ancient Ore Veins (now depleted of gold)
Assembly Hall of the Commonwealth
Assembly Hall of the Dwarven Race
Traditional Crafters District
Royal Apartments, now a museum
Temple of Dwarven Gods
Temple of Dwarven Ancestral Gods
Shrine of the Seven Dwarven Immortals
Titancraft Engine Industrial District
Titancraft Dragonrail Industrial District
Dragonrail Lines (underground rail service)
Dragonrail Station
Dragonrail exchange, multi-level
Secure Titancraft Research Laboratory

Chronology of Tauhad

  • 9687 AS: Traditional Founding of Tauhad
  • 2525: Third Commonwealth established 2525
  • 2576 Treaty of Tauhad (2576), concluded the Great Sky War

See Also