Thammazite Alphabet

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The alphabet of ancient Thammazic Languages is the source alphabet for Thyrian, Weshifite, and Dagaithi alphabets.

lion, door

Name Meaning Value Alternative Value Remark
waa bead w
yaal light j
'ammaat arrow Ɂ
raa, raal fish r
iym sea dragon m
neph bone n
haal donkey h
baah palace, seat of rule b
paat, phaath p f
zaat palm tree z
sekhaa bird s
luwg belt l
daam stone d
dhaam stone ð
dh'aal hook ðʕ
s'aaf star ts
taab sailboat t
t'aa knife
thaaphat waterskin θ
th'aw harp θʕ
gaw, jaw eye g dʒ, ɣ
kaal face k tʃ, x
k'awsh crown q
kheym milk ʜ
ʕatta beard ʕ
llaleth wheel ɬ ʃ
ll'aak horn ɬʕ ʒ, ɮ
dhakera diacritic

vowels a, aa i, iy u, uw ay aw



~Proto-Thammazite Alphabet (derived directly from Hœrnectian Hieroglyphs) Developed Thammazite Alphabet (as shown above)

See Also