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The largest island of the Pallathantic Sea is Nymentho. Native Nymenthonese are descended from Yophentheans and elves, save for eastern Nymentho which is the land of Xsys and the home of the Xsyte Tribes. Few there are on Nymentho who claim pure elven heritage. The mountains of Nymentho are gentle and sloping and the highest mountains in the east are the Grand Amruls that divide Xsys from the rest of the island. They named after the God Amrulon who is thought to have dwelt here during his youth eons ago. The island rests equidistant from southern Barathorn and northern Danona.

Map of the Island of Nymentho

Climate and Flora

The island is blessed with a gentle climate that is not too dry. It is mildly warm in the summer and cool in the winter with abundant rains from the north. There are several forested preserves on the island and especially the Forest of Alithrinx in Xsys. These wooded areas are rich with deciduous, old growth trees such as oak, beech, maple, chestnut, hickory, elm, basswood, linden, and walnut. The native Cathórtë Tree with its golden leaves, are held sacred to Nymenthonese Amrulon. The trees thrive on nocturnal radiation, from the moons and the stars. The leaves fall in autumn and are collected by the priestesses of the goddess Eriu for her husband, Erin-Amrulon. This is a time of much celebration among the Nymenthonese.


Historically, elves who survived the great flood settled Nymentho. They secured its wild nature but eliminated the wilder sorts of creatures like orcs and goblins. In time, the Xsytes settled the Alithrinx Forest and displaced the elves and beastmen who called that home. The Yophentheans invaded and subjected the elves to their foreign rule. Despite the Yophentheans' tyranny, there was some common ground between the nature-loving elves and the sun-worshiping human demi-mortals. There are a handful of pockets of native elves who keep their whereabouts largely secret from the rest of isle and the rest of the world. Their continued presence is the source of fairy tales and folklore in Nymentho. Although gentle, they are not to be taken lightly and travelers are warned against entering certain parts of the woods to avoid offending them.


The island is divided in government between the Commonwealth of Xsys to the east and the Union of Nymentho to the west which holds about two-thirds of the island. In the Union of Nymentho, the dominant worship is the Yophenthean Sun Religion. But the long centuries have seen many practices and local cults that are unique to the island. The Union of Nymentho is composed of eighteen principalities governed by a locally-chosen ruler. The ruler of the entire union is rotated for a year among the eighteen local rulers.


Farming and fishing are the chief concerns of the economy. Timbering is scrupulously limited as the Nymenthonese hold trees to be sacred to the gods and the earth. The Union of Nymentho is a beautiful and gentle land, but not particularly rich.

Commonwealth of Xsys

The nation of Xsys was settled in ancient times by refugees from the Neptultchi empire of southern Pytharnia. The culture and language of teh Xsyte People is related to that of the Tuadbe on mainland Pytharnia. The Xsytes are traditionally very loyal to their forested homeland. The Commonwealth of Xsys, on the other hand, is very rich from its merchants and wares shipped throughout the world. Traditional Xsyte skybarges can be seen floating as little as twenty yards above the earth or the sea. While they are slow-moving, they are sure and capable of great tonnage, compared to other traditional skycraft. Since the its advent in the late 26th century (2500's AI), merchant Xsytes have exploited titancraft as well in pursuit of their trading empires. The flag of the Commonwealth of Xsys features a crescent Starmoon and six stars for the six ancient Xsyte tribes that settled the Forest of Alithrinx.

Flags of Nymentho

Commonwealth of Xsys

Union of Nymentho

See Also