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--attributed to the ancient Yophenthean rulers.
--attributed to the ancient Yophenthean rulers.
"The poor are easy to bribe. Bring a fat purse. The greedy are difficult. Use your son's inheritance. To bribe a senator, one requires a province."
"The poor are easy to bribe. Bring a fat purse. The greedy is difficult. Use your son's inheritance. To bribe a senator, one requires a province."
— [[Midrettiga Tamozin]]
— [[Midrettiga Tamozin]]
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"Save yourself, Pilgrim."
"Save yourself, Pilgrim."
—written on the outside wall of the Temple of [[Elystra]] in [[Elystrio]].
—written on the outside wall of the [[Oracular Temple of Elystra]] in [[Elystrio]].
==Incarnandism and Incarnandists==
==Incarnandism and Incarnandists==
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=See Also=
=See Also=
*[[Idiomatic Expressions]]
*[[Idiomatic Expressions]]
*[[List of Interjections]]

Revision as of 22:41, 13 June 2022

Many of these quotes are attributable historically to a specific source, but others are purely traditional.

General List of Quotes from the World of Asdar

"Avenge Brundar" --saying of the skyfaring tribes of Jaggudorns to rally support for the demise of Yophénthë.

"As within, so without." -- Incarnandist saying from Incarnandist Scripture as well as other ancient traditions

"Amrulon Savior." -- a common saying of poets and kings

"I am not a wizard. I am well-armed." -- said by a lord of Aurice who practiced some magic for self-defense. After the Rule of Chaos, it was considered suspicious for a ruling noble to practice wizardry.

"I shared the Grand Duke with concubines. Now he is faithful to Goddess Aurissa." -- attributed to Mekarna Bijälian, wife of Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl, after her husband's death.

"That magic serves best which mimics nature." --Mando

"Those who can't cast, write." --Medibgóëse Writer

"Wherever the sun rises is fit for Yophenthea." --attributed to the ancient Yophenthean rulers.

"The poor are easy to bribe. Bring a fat purse. The greedy is difficult. Use your son's inheritance. To bribe a senator, one requires a province." — Midrettiga Tamozin

Specific Attribution

Prince Ulcanov of the Shattered Waters

"A good roast and a juffa make for a great dinner." --attributed to Prince Ulcanov of the Shattered Waters

"I am not myself." --attributed to Prince Ulcanov when he spared the life of Boy Tamber

Saint Gidhoniel

"I release you." -- said by Saint Gidhoniel when he plunged the Sword Wanewake into the heart of Prince Ulcanov

Stalcast Bijäl

"The fifth time decides." -- attributed to Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl, thought to reference the Fifth Isbajath and the Fifth Geddamin War, both considered triumphs for Aurice.

"We are the face of mankind rushing to triumphant glory." --Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl, speech before the Battle of Qusharya

Literary Quotes

"Pleasing to gods and godless" --


"Aturyanda eldest of kings and beloved of heaven" --said by the author of the Aturyandakumi

Woes of Yophenthea

"Dusk with his one thousand mysteries hies into the night."

"And to the haughty hosts he hates great counsels kindly lends." -- the Woes of Yophenthea, spoken of the god Threy

"Return to me my dreams."

"To hurt and to harm him, to set him for naught."

"Fear before and Fame behind." -- the Woes of Yophenthea, said of the Yophenthean army of Sun Emperor Samric Spelúntomil, last emperor of the Yophenthean Empire.


"Save yourself, Pilgrim." —written on the outside wall of the Oracular Temple of Elystra in Elystrio.

Incarnandism and Incarnandists

"I have not come to reveal God to you. I have come to reveal God to myself." -- unknown Incarnandist Saint


"The True Magic can been heard all around us. The magic that cannot be seen is only mystery. The true magic is the sound and not the hearing."" --Thamphakilu of Sungo, The Book of the Tamdari


"A truly powerful being does not need to harm another."

"Power reveals the soul."

See Also