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Shanjahar is the great capital city of the Khamifate of Shanjahar, sometimes called the Empire of Shanjahar. The city lies on the north shore of the neck of a peninsula that juts eastwards from the Great Plain of Jinandahr in northern Zephasia. It rests in the northern end of the western Turtle Sea. It has a population of about 480,000.

Shanjahar was established by the second khamifa of the Khujdalite Dynasty in 1457 on the site of the Zephasian city of Akhtambour. Shanjahar is the largest human city in greater Zephasia, after Benjalay and is an important sea port for commerce especially between Sahimb and the Turtle Sea.

The City of Shanjahar differs from the Governorate of Shanjahar which comprises a greater territory. The city is the administrative and imperial heart of the Khamifate of Shanjahar. The city and the governorate are under the direct rule of the Khamifa who administers them through various governors and magistrates.

The City of Shanjahar is a great imperial city with a melting pot of human and humanlike races, sprawling out from the ancient core of Akhtambour.

Ethnic Groups

Human: Dagaithi, Zephasian (various tribes),
Humanlike: Dracknaughts (not welcome), Geddamin, Gishak, Halflings, Hyrseka, Ithrabbi (not welcome), Ogres, Quirth, Tekmyri, Uzur

Important Sites

  • Dagaithi District

  • {Temples of Zephasian Gods}
  • {Imzaami Khaashas}
  • {sewer system}
  • {Khamifa’s gardens}
  • {skyport}
  • {Docks}
  • {Business District}
  • {canals}
  • {walls}
  • {suburb}
  • Quirth Neighborhood
  • Tekmyri Neighborhood

Khamifate of Shanjahar

The Khamifa of Shanjahar is the hereditary ruler of the Shanjari Empire or Khamifate.

The Flag of the Khamifate of Shanjahar displays the two crescent moons of the Imzaha Religion.

The city of Shanjahar is the seat of the Khamifa who is the hereditary ruler of the Shanjari Empire more properly called the Khamifate of Shanjahar.

Relationship with Ishaamate of Benjalay

The Ishaamate of Benjalay is a tributary to the Khamifate of Shanjahar. The Ishaam of Benjalay has complete control of the internal affairs of his dominion. He is obliged to pay an annual tribute to the Khamifa of Shanjahar and to render military service. In practice, the commercial influence power of Benjalay is immense and its military power considerable.

See Also