Agnavaira of Gasper

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Saint Agnavaira of Gasper. Midjourney.

Saint Agnavaira of Gasper was a Midretassene-Lucacian Arathracian Saint of the seventh century (ca 650 AI), born in Gasper, Frantigoria. Her family had moved to Gasper from Tasso in the sixth century (ca 520 AI) to escape the upheaval caused by the Yophenthean Conquest of Midretasso, but soon converted to Arathracianism thereafter as they were Midretassene nobles. Through negligence, Agnavaira brought about the death of an important man in her community. Realizing her error, she went into a state of prayer and meditation for many years, becoming zealous of Lord Arathrax and a devotee of Saint Aireánnau. After the first year of such devotions, she completed a quest. She performed many miracles in the name of Saint Aireánnau. Saint Agnavaira was martyred in Lucacia by a priest of the Old Religion who envied her powers. She was buried in the necropolis of Johar, now in ruins. Her tomb was an important pilgrimage site during the Middle Ages. Today, a shrine dedicated to her rests just outside Maba Luva, drawing tens of thousands of pilgrims each year from elsewhere in Lucacia and farther abroad.

See Also