Askonian Ocean

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The Askonian Ocean is the greatest ocean in the traditional West.

The Askonian Ocean is the greatest ocean in the traditional confines of the West. It is considered the parent body of water for the Mathareusan Sea, the Pytharnian Sea, the Pallathantic Sea, the Memnosian Sea, the Sea of Malankhas, the Titans Sea, the Chaos Sea, and all the lesser seas which pertain to them. The Askonian Ocean communicates with the Boreal Ocean and with the Great Draconian Ocean. The Shadrimporee Archipelago sets the bounds between the Askonian Ocean and the Great Draconian Ocean. The Askonian Ocean was not regularly traversed until the Titancraft Age. Before this time, only hardy voyages in great barges could cross it. Skycraft were limited to voyages along its coastal perimeter as they could not withstand a sustained voyage aloft for so great a time without landing that would have been essential to traverse the greatest extent of the ocean.

The Askonian Ocean rests between the West, Orrhymby, Disradún, and the Shadrimporee Archipelago.

The Askonian Ocean is essential for sea commerce between the great lands of the West and with the distant global civilizations of the world. The name of the Askonian Ocean is derived from the root as the name Eshik, the god of the sea and consort to the goddess Magdaia.

See Also

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