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The umyami are a humanlike race of goblins well-known for living in the plateaus of the northeastern Jaggudorns. They are are an ancient race known as tricksters and mortal demon and have become the stuff of children's nightmares. They are a great blight for the humans of the Jaggudorns. Although the goblins have been reduced in population through war many times, they reproduce quickly. The umyami are one of four goblinoid races in the Jaggudorns. Their names are derived from words from the High Shadevan Language.

The Umyami are short, grotesque humanoids with long pointed ears, small, pointy teeth, large black eyes, large, rounded noses, leathery greenish to greyish skin, and a haunched over posture. They are amphibious and equally at home in cold waters of the Jaggudorns, above and below ground. The umyami are creatures of mischief and subtlety and the most clever of their kind are typically the most perverse.

Umyami of the Jaggudorns are somewhat larger than other goblin races with adult males standing about 1.20m high (ca. 4'). Goblins elsewhere on Asdar, are usually about one to 1.06m in height (3 to 3.5 feet).

The Umyami form families of about ten to twenty members and clans of about five to fifteen families. One or more clans may be united under a powerful chieftain and several chieftains may owe service to a powerful goblin king.

Goblins speak their own language. The goblins of the Jaggudorns worship Bubuna. They speak the Gakhyami Language and their largest city is Ukklig in the southern Savage Plateau.

See Also