Yambali Adijo

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Yambali Adijo (born 2187, Ephysgæe Mountains, died 2362, Shaprashilara Lum), was a member of a Gorcorumbese family that was bound in service to Strakkos Chaos Mage of Ebinóë. Yambali witnessed the release of the first kumenontli from their suspension by the chaos magic powers of Strakkos. She fled from the service of Strakkos in 2253, during the confusion of the Third Isbajath, (2251 to 2255), and lived in hiding, helping the tisbajuma defeat Strakkos. After the war, she realized that the Gorcorumbese were still suffering and departed on a quest, around 2257, by herself to the Adamantine Mountains where she recovered at least two kumentontli and brought them back to Gorcorumb. She became a leader and later a heroine as she led at least four other expeditions to recover kumenontli, two more in the Adamantines and two in Corundy. In 2362, under circumstances that are uncertain, she was slain, possibly as part of ritual combat.


Yambali, her father, and other Gorcorumbese associates created a group around 2261 known as the Javadwoma which means roughly those who hunt souls. Their purpose was to discover, retrieve, and revive all Common giants held in stasis as kumenontli. The efforts of Yambali Adijo and her cohorts formed an important component, perhaps even the backbone, of the Awakening of the Geddamin.

See Also