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The eight-pointed Solifix represents the eight points of the sun.

Arathracianism The religion of the Arathracian Churches of the Pallathantic and many Arathracian Sects is called Arathracianism. Although they differ with regard to leadership and some matters of doctrine, Arathracians acknowledge the special mission of Aireánnau Mother of the Folk and her Eight Sons in bringing the power and salvation of the god Arathrax to the world. Sacraments and other practices of Arathracians developed from very ancient beliefs in the third century surrounding Arathrax, Aireánnau, and her eight demi-mortal sons. Arathracians honor a body of Saints whom they recognize as having entered into the afterlife or presence of their god Arathrax. Many of the holy sites for Temples and Chapels have been held since ancient times. Originally, the religion of Arathrax was practiced only by Yophentheans, particularly the Arathraciots who claimed lineal descendancy from the eight sons of Aireánnau. With the progress of the Yophenthean Empire, foreign princes and their commoner subjects were inculcated with the beliefs of Arathracianism and the doctrine expanded to accept converts from other lands. Today any human can potentially be baptized into the Arathracian Religion.

Core Beliefs

  • The god Arathrax begot eight sons by the mortal maiden, Aireánnau
  • The Arathraciot priests in ancient times taught humans the will and power of Arathrax
  • Arathrax has enabled humans to live in the presence of the sun gods in the life-to-come
  • Washing purifies the spirit and enables one to come to a state whereby it is possible to dwell in the presence of divinity

Sacraments and Performances

  • Daily Purification by ritual washing in the echteal of the Temple of Arathrax
  • Animal Sacrifice in behalf of the community to the god Arathrax, performed outside of the Temple of Arathrax
  • Temple rites performed at sunrise, sunset, high noon; special versions performed on Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Autumnal Equinox
  • Personal Prayers and Temple Prayers
  • Solification of a Saint, performed by the Sunfather and the Arathracian College
  • Anointing of a new priest or an existing priest into a higher office
  • Sollevation of the deceased, today reserved for priests

Arathracian Priesthood

The Arathracian Priesthood is the body of men who are priests of Arathrax in the Church. In the Erechórebese Arathracian Church, they acknowledge the hierarchy supremacy of the Erechórebese Sunfather over the earthly church.

Arathracian Temple

An Arathracian Temple is a great edifice of imposing beauty, essential for many sacraments and performances of the Arathracian Religion. Arathracian Temples have existed since roughly the fourth century.

Arathracian Liturgy

Prescribed worship as a community is performed in Arathracian Temples according to the Arathracian Liturgy for the gonchambadh.

See Also