Saragean the Stout

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b 2253; d. Saragean dhailg Braganta was a commander in the Eighth Isbajath, 2290 to 2296. He was an Arathracian who helped the Incarnandist tisbajuma defeat Titney the Magnificent Pest.

In 2260 when Saragean was about seven years old, the tisbajuma had just defeated Varyaz the Shapeless on the island of Maturn. His godfather took him from hiding in Erechóreb to Zamaclë, island that rests south of Maturn and was a refuge of law during the Middle Ages of Chaos. In Zamaclë, Saragean learned the Arathracian Religion and heard of the Incarnandists' ongoing struggle to overthrow the Chaos Rulers. He vowed to Arathrax that he would go up with the warriors against Titney the Magnificent Pest.

See Also