Saturnine fever

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A magically transmitted illness that causes deep melancholy in the victim, Saturnine Fever is known for its outbreak in Medibgö during the Sewdhaine War. Physicians who treat magic-born illness believe that Saturnine Fever is communicated from one host to another when the host practices magic in the presence of the other. The ability to see the panstream common to all magic practitioners appears to be at the heart of the disease's spread, but contrary examples have been documented.

Eating raw dragon's heart puts the illness into remission, but symptoms usually re-appear within a day after the victim stops eating raw dragon's heart.

Symptoms include a great heaviness in one's head and severe depression that can result in suicide. Most victims can resist thoughts of self-destruction, but see a negative cast over every aspect of life. Saturnine fever typically lasts up to a month before the afflicted recuperates. In cases where the illness lasts longer, the afflicted usually dies of heart failure. Infants and young children rarely if ever contract saturnine fever -- its victims being those who have entered adolescence and adulthood. Virtually everyone who recovers from saturnine fever is believed to become immune.

Trolls are believed to be inherently immune to saturnine fever.

Medibgóëse Outbreak during the Sewdhaine War

Saturnine fever began in the capital city, Mäddglows and spread to the other skynesses and Trevirs, most of the victims being mages and wizards. Historic outbreaks had been treated with dragon's heart, but in the 27th century, dragon's heart was not readily available, except for the wealthiest victims. Incarnandist psychics introduced therapy that cured victims, but due to distrust, the cure was not widely accepted at first in Medibgö. Eventually, the sorcerers of Medibgö introduced a daily regimen that gives one added resistance to catching saturnine fever and the illness has been deemed eradicated.

The Medibgóëse Sorcerers who fought in the Battle of Scarga Woods against the Archducal Knights-Draconic of Asbardy, slew the domesticated dragons of their foe and had the fresh heart sent to Medibgö to treat victims of saturnine fever.


See Also