Dravernian Peninsula

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The Dravernian Peninsula extends from central Barathorn to the southwest.

The Dravernian Peninsula lies in southwestern Barathorn. It is covered with rugged mountains, alpine valleys, and divided midway by a rough plateau with a great lake. The Dravernian Plateau has a temperate summer with a cool to cold summer. The Gulf of Gonsky rests south of it and the Gulf of Skalagune to the north. The center of the southwestern portion of the peninsula is dominated by the Dravernian Alps.

There are seven states in the peninsula, Dragonfirth, Gonsk (partially), Ackmungo, Urgundia, Charst, Dravernia, Itzsaadi, and the island of Tholn which is typically considered with the peninsula. The peninsula is pierced and pocketed by dozens of glacial fjords, numerous bays which are in turn indented by smaller bays and inlets. Several islands are also found, including Tuskoveen Island. The principal inhabitant of the peninsula are humans.

In ancient times, the Draverninan Peninsula was subject to the Great Sky Kingdom of the Mipnors which ruled most of southern Barathorn.

Several states comprise the territory of the Dravernian Peninsula.

See Also