
The isle of Deliops is the seat of the city Elystrio, the capital of the Ithatian Republic. Deliops is dry in the summer and wet in the winter, thanks to abundant rains from the north. Bimbhari trees and other drought-resistant plants are abundant. The highest point on Deliops is the slumbering volcano of Mount Agdaeus. According to the ancient philosopher Agdaskalos, the Thetzisari Tribes regarded a place at the foot of Mount as the most holy place on the earth, calling it Nama'etaga. Deliops is the largest of the Ithatian Islands, followed by Maturn, Zander, Gliri, Desthor, and Imomólë.
Thetzisari tribesmen settled Deliops millennia ago and it received envoys from the Kingdom of Tirios in the second millennium BA. In the late third millennium before Salmakhamer, Pallathantic Tribes on sea ships pillaged Tirios. Some settled in Tirios and others colonized the other Ithatian isles, including Deliops. Pallathantic tribes absorbed and forgot the native Thetzisari culture and held the island for about six hundred years. In the second millennium before Salmakhamer, the Ithatian Tribes colonized the islands of the east Pallathantic, much like the Pallathantic Tribes before them. The Magdaiomin Tribe of the Ithatians conquered the Pallathantic Tribes or made common cause with them and the Magdaiomin chieftain became ruler of Deliops. A second wave of Ithatian tribes settled Deliops towards the middle of the first millennium before Salmakhamer. The Ithatians have held Deliops ever since, although they have been ruled by Midretassenes, Yophentheans, Sky Tribes, Copazousa Daughter of Chaos, and Medibgö. The history of Deliops before the mythical Great Flood is little known. Deliops is considered the cultural core of the Ithatian Islands, in contrast to Maturn which is considered the magical core.
Cities of Deliops
The chief cities of Deliops are Elystrio, Eriander, Segadont, and Teliasper.
The Oracle of Elystrio
The Melissa or high priestess of the goddess Elystra has represented the divinity since very ancient times and it is believed her predecessor prophesied in Thetzisari times, though the name of the office and the goddess differed. The Oracle of the Elystrio is one of the most famous oracles in the world.