Aurician Nobility

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Aurician Nobility encompasses all the privileged classes recognized in Throvy and the subsequent countries conquered by the rulers of Aurice to the present day. The principle of male primogeniture is typically in force, but not always, depending upon customs in the given country of the Aurician Empire. A title reflects the noble status of the head of the family. A rank implies hierarchy in the nobles and military.


Dukes are typically the oldest nobles in a region. Their forebears were awarded the title typically for services rendered in war. They are also or were in the past, close relatives of the ruler of the country in which they arose to prominence. Some ducal families are over a thousand years old. Barons are normally also senators.


Counts are typically of the oldest aristocratic families. Their forebears were usually awarded the title for major services rendered in the war or in the military or for service in a high administrative office. Most comital families are at least three hundred years old. Barons are normally also senators.


Barons are sometimes of old noble families, but often not. They or their ancestors received the title for leadership rendered to the state, such as in war, wizardry, governmental service, or a major work of engineering. Baronial families are often more than two hundred years old. Barons are normally also senators.


Priests of high rank in recognized religions are accorded noble status and may also be senators. These include the high priests of the major Isxinthion gods and Arathracian patriarchs.


The office of Metropolitan was created in the twenty sixth century by Baimund Kaligär, so the title is less than two hundred years old. It was awarded for enriching the city of Aurice, typically as a merchant. Only about half of the metropolitans are senators.


a kind of priest who protects sacred places from profanation, not celibate, and typically inherited


one who summons others (usually nobles) to the court of a high-ranking noble. The summoning is not necessarily for a bad reason, but could be for a celebration, to pay homage, or for recognition. The quaestor is higher than simply a page, messenger, or a herald.


one who leads a sacred or official procession


Families who have long held a high local administrative position have this title. They may have in fact held the title for many centuries, but they are nonetheless considered lesser nobility. They have no claim to office of Senator of Aurice.


This rather lowly noble title is awarded for attaining full status as a knight in a recognized chivalrous order and includes members of the illustrious Knights-Magi of Aurice. It cannot be inherited by the son.



lowest non-specific rank indicating nobility

Difference between Nobles of the Sword and Nobles of the Robe

See Also