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The Jykki are an orcish ethnic group who live in the hot interior of Danona. Known for millennia by the civilized countries to the east, the Jykki Orcs are more familiar with many of the benefits of civilization than other orc groups, but capable of the same savagery as their cousins throughout the World of Asdar. The Jykki are humanlikes and encounters between them and humans have procreated the half-jykks who are well-established themselves in Danona.

The Jykki have developed means of surviving the harsh, barren climate of the Danonan Interior.The Jykki are some of the shortest of the full-breed orcs. Male Jykki are on average 5'10" (1.78m) tall compared to other orc ethnic groups many of which are well over six feet tall. Their smaller bodies require less water and food. They spend their daytime in caves and typically only make journeys during the night time. While similar to orcs elsewhere in the world, the Jykki find the night time also delivers them from the harsh and relentless sun of the day time. They are familiar with the caves and tunnels of the Great Jawachi Wastes which they use in combination with nocturnal journeying on the surface to move across the desert.

The various Jykki tribes are subject to a powerful overlord who is known for his violence in personal combat and cunning savagery as their supreme commander. The overlord can be challenged by other powerful generals and overthrown. The Jykki believe that only the strong should rule. The rulers of Khuridán, Midiantir, and Shar-Hez-Jir are subject to the overlord but have nearly complete control over their internal affairs.

The Jykki have traditionally worshiped the gods of the Orcish Pantheon, ancestral gods peculiar to their people, and desert gods whom they believe can deliver them from its ravages. A minority of Jykki have adopted human religions such as Incarnandism or Imzaha. Like other orcs ethnic groups, the Jykki believe that they were brought to the World of Asdar by the dragons before the Great Flood. A small minority of Jykki worship Chaos Gods, but most Jykki find the gods of chaos to be weak compared to their own.

During the historic empire of the Overlordship of Gorcorumb, the Jykki were obliged to serve the Geddamin as mercenaries. During this time, the Jykki learned military discipline and developed the use of dwarvenfire artillery and titancraft artillery. They adapted titancraft to their use of skycraft. The Jykki developed the Hammer of Khabru, a powerful titancraft artillery weapon in 2593. The Jykki presently have arrangements of peace with Oliblish due to the consequences of the Fourteenth Isbajath (2567 to 2569).

See Also