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A şrâvissa <fr. ancient Midretassene /sɾɑˈvɪsːa/, fr. ancient Kalaman |ˈʃɾɑvʃa|> is a creature of irresistible beauty from the Realm of Chaos who comes to world of mortals to seduce them for her ravenous sexual appetite. They appear invariably as female humans, typically in the late teens or early twenties. The şrâvissa wear clothing only to further their ends among human civilizations. She can make suggestions and commands to men that they find irresistible to disobey. Despite her formidable powers, a şrâvissa is somewhat naive, not truly understanding the ramifications of her power over men. In the throes of sexual ecstasy, a şrâvissa can place a man under quest or heal him of all non-magical disease. The more powerful the şrâvissa, the more men she dominates. She often possesses the power of a sorceress and is thought to have the native capacity to shape-change into the appearance of any human or humanlike. The şrâvissa works as an individual and not in cooperation with her sisters.

Scholars believe that the şrâvissa cannot give birth at all while others cite legends that show the şrâvissa can indeed conceive, but she can only give birth in the Realm of Chaos where her offspring are always another female şrâvissa. There is not thought to be a relationship between the şrâvissas and the Aio.

A şrâvissa is a rare creature indeed today. Should one be discovered by the authorities, she would be held in custody if possible and likely executed as a minion of chaos. However, her powers would make it possible she would escape.

See Also