Strakkos Chaos Mage of Ebinóë

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Chaos Ruler b 2149; d 2254; ruled 2186 to 2254. Slain in the Third Isbajath. Strakkos was duplicitous in his allegiances, giving obeisance at times to Prince Ulcanov and at other times refusing homage. He is credited with discovering the method of releasing a Geddamin noble from the Kumenontli and thus indirectly enabled the titancraft revolution in technology of the modern period. Strakkos had enslaved the Gorcorumbese Giants of the Ephysgæe Mountains, obliging them to serve him in war and in industry. Strakkos did not receive any aid from Ulcanov against the tisbajuma and it is thought he did not request it, either out of defiance or because he did not expect Ulcanov would offer any. He was regarded as both a Chaos Mage and an Archmage in power and practice.

Strakkos was an insightful mage and profoundly literate. He made several state visits to the Library of Mirrhaimo within the dominion of Asgionantis of the Twilight. He did not value military advice from his subject generals and this is likely at the heart of the cause of his fall. Strakkos was defeated in the Third Isbajath. He was slain by tisbajuma and different accounts give varying credit to different warriors.

See Also