Under Aurice

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Under Aurice, called Lumborissa in the Throvian Language, is thought to be a warren of stone-walled tunnels and beastly channels underneath the city of Aurice. Various special means are employed to keep flooding out. During the Middle Ages of Chaos, Incarnandists and others who fled from the power of the Dark Prince hid in these caverns and chambers until the liberation of the Fifth Isbajath. After this time, chaos worshipers were hunted and many, ironically, found refuge in these same caverns. Today, the government of the city of Aurice actively seeks to shore up and block any entrances to Under Aurice that are not officially sanctioned. Some areas are still permitted, such as the engineering and flood controls under the Gubernatorial Palace and the research sites under educational institutions, like the Magitechnic Institute of Aurice. There is a long-standing tradition that a cavern in the Under Aurice opens up to a great natural channel leading many leagues eventually to Kvarraga

See Also