List of Dúrandworese Personal Names
Dúrandworese Personal Names are commonest in the two countries where the Dúrandworese language is spoken, the Duchy of Ogentir and the Kingdom of Thrain. The Dúrandworese Language is principally Moigthe in derivation with a strong admixture of Midretassene loanwords and expressions.
- A
- Abbudirz
- D
- Durthgeda
- E
- Eliro (from. Midretassene)
- G
- Garframasse (royal)
- J
- Jamfo
- M
- Modroc: from Midretassene Medreg
- O
- Odasco
- Ombudir
- P
- Pava
- V
- Vesto
- W
- Waygonck
- Z
- Zaidid
- Zeleg, Zelk
- Zeofror
- L
- Licolan
- {name} {father's name}skevri
- Durthgeda Pavaskevri
Family Names
- A
- Aglur
- Y
- Yoppa
- V
- Vaskor (name of Thrainish court composer of the 2600's)
See Also
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